Founded in 2008, Mighty Man Ministry is a 200 acre working farm located in Davisboro, Georgia

Our Vision is to reach hurting and broken men that are trapped in the bonds of chemical addiction and show them the way out through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

We call this a process not a program because it is life long, but for 10-12 months we bring clients into our community and begin to teach them accountability, responsibility, personal discipline and to begin the healing process. Each man will be guided towards discovering and developing a personal relationship with the Lord and discovering God’s will for their lives. Our process has a heavy focus on accountability and requires a great deal of hard work. We strive to teach men to hold a high moral standard and restoration of relationships is often seen.

Our curriculum comes from the MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy) workbook, it is a 12 step program (not those 12 twelve steps) in which each man must spend a minimum of two weeks on each step then present his work to the group in order to move on. There are other components to the process as well, including an extensive inner healing class in addition to a month-long introduction program amongst others.

Everyone here on staff at Mighty Man has been through the process, we know what it is like, and we know how it feels. Because of this, we can empathize with each man regardless of where he is in the process. We know what it is like to feel hopeless, and we also know what it is like to walk through it and come out victorious on the other side. While recovery is our objective, relationships are how we get there; we are a brotherhood, a caring family, and we are here to save lives.