Building Futures


A Christian regeneration process for men trapped in chemical addiction

If you are reading this then most likely either you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol and/or drug addiction. The devastation and pain caused by substance abuse can be overwhelming and seem insurmountable but we want you to know that there is hope; there is a way out.

This place is a “city of refuge”, we empathize with your dilemma and firmly believe that you can overcome this affliction through a personal, authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. All staff members have been through the regeneration process and have been where you are right now and understand what it takes to have victory. We have watched hundreds of men walk in our doors as addicts and alcoholics and leave as Godly husbands, fathers and leaders in the communities around them. If this is what your heart desires then you are in the right place. This could be the first day of the rest of your life if you so choose.